1 Data

1 Data

Display driver personal numbers on reports - Checking this option will display the driver's registration number on the report (only for selected reports).

Display vehicle number on reports - Checking this option will display the vehicle registration number on the report (only for selected reports).

Calculate distance according to start / stop odometer values - A choice between counting kilometers according to the status of the meter or according to the reading of data from the chart (sergeants).

Analyse activities assigned from other driver cards - when generating reports, the program will also take into account any data that has been assigned from other drivers

Omit inactive days in detailed reports - days without activity will not be displayed on detailed reports

Data sources - wselection of data source for generated reports.

Included edited data - the program will take into account the data edited by the user

Automatically complete driver's country of residence with card data - in the Driver menu, the field "Country of residence" will be completed with the country of issue of the driver card