Display driver personal numbers on reports - Checking this option will display the driver's registration number on the report (only for selected reports).
Pokazuj numer ewidencyjny pojazdu na raportach Display vehicle number on reports - Checking this option will display the vehicle registration number on the report (only for selected reports).
Ilość kilometrów na tarczy wg stanu liczników Calculate distance according to start / stop odometer values - A choice between counting kilometers according to the status of the meter or according to the reading of data from the chart (sergeants).
Uwzględnij przypisane aktywności innych kierowców Analyse activities assigned from other driver cards - when generating reports, the program will also take into account any data that has been assigned from other drivers
W raportach szczegółowych pomijaj dni bez aktywności Omit inactive days in detailed reports - days without activity will not be displayed on detailed reports