Kolory na wykresach - selection of the color of activities to be used in reports
Kreskowanie - Checking this option will cause the activity colors on the charts to be replaced by dashes (an option intended mainly for single-color printers).
Pokaż przekroczenia norm zamiast taryfikatora - Checking this option will cause that instead of the amount of the fine, only the time segments that caused the violation will be displayed on the report
Pokaż tylko naruszenia - Checking this option will cause the report to display only the violations that have occurred (applies to the page marked "B")
Szczegółowe podsumowanie - Checking this option will cause the report to be displayed with a detailed breakdown by "Driver" and "Company" indicating the number, rate and severity of violations.
Raport uproszczony - option is checked by default, to uncheck it it is necessary to have "Extended Inspection Module". By unchecking this option, the presented road inspection report is more detailed.
Report attachment(s):
- legendę - do raportu zostanie dodana legenda opisująca poszczególne symbole
- preferencje i ustawienia - dodanie do raportu listy preferencji i ustawień jakie mamy w programie
- informacje o podpisach cyfrowych - dodanie do raportu informacji o plikach mających niepoprawnych podpis cyfrowy
- ocenę ryzyka - dodanie oceny ryzyka przedsiębiorcy
- uwagi z tarczek - dodanie do raportu uwag z wprowadzonych tarczek
- oświadczenie dla BAG - dodanie oświadczeń o dniach wolnych kierowców dla służb kontrolnych w Niemczech
- podsumowanie naruszeń czasu pracy - dodanie do raportu "inspekcji drogowej" także uwag z naruszeń czasu pracy
Taryfikator - wybór obowiązującego taryfikatora. Dodatkowo combobox "kierowca, zarządzający, firma" pokazuje kogo obowiązuje wybrany taryfikator.
Accumulative counting of infringements (driver/company) - when this option is selected, the program will sum consecutive penalties for a given violation
Coach or bus occasional carriage - we determine how to detect transportation with coaches
Tolerance of location time insert (min) - we set the tolerance for the entered country code on the tachograph in terms of its inclusion in the correct day
When identifying a ferry rest, combine breaks shorter than (min) - Checking this option will cause the program to treat a series of short activities as a single entity, as long as it is punctuated by rests lasting less than the value we specify (the default is 15 minutes).
RTD inspection report: ask about language selection - Checking this option will cause the program to ask each time for the language in which the report is to be generated.
Extended analysis - when the option is unchecked, only drivers whose driver card file is imported into the program will be visible on the list of drivers of the "Control report for comparison of tachograph data and driver files". Additional vehicles on which the marked drivers had activities in the indicated period will not be visible. By checking the option, the list of drivers is complete and all drivers in the given time range and all vehicles they drove are displayed.