The program allows you to manually add activities on the "Calendar View" in the "Day" tab.
Click in the free box in the "Mode" column to select the type of activity.
We then complete the start and end time of the activity and select the vehicle. We can move between the various entries using the TAB key.
The program allows you to copy activities to subsequent days. Check the checkbox on the left side of the window to indicate which activities you want to copy, and then click on "Copy." To move to another day, you can use the "Navigation" window at the top of the screen. On another day, click "Paste" and "Save".
Po skopiowaniu aktywności, jeśli chcemy wkleić aktywności na kilka dni jednocześnie to należy przejść do zakładki "Rok", zaznaczyć kilka dni i wybrać "Czynności - Wstaw".
After copying activities, if you want to paste activities for several days at once then go to the "Year" tab, select several days and select "Manual entries - Insert".