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Table of Contents

1. Introduction

The "Interactive view" opens in the main window of Tachospeed.


On the right-hand side of the screen is a panel showing the driver's detailed actions on the selected day. If a driver's infringements occur during the loaded period, they will be displayed in the "Infringements" tab (left-clicking on it will take you directly to the day on which the infringement occurred). You can generate a detailed report of these infringements by clicking on the "Infringement report" or "Monitoring report" button.


2. Data display

If a tachograph file has been imported, we can also view the vehicle data. To do this, select the "Vehicles" checkbox. If the drivers drove as a crew, we can view the data of two drivers by selecting the ""Crew"" checkbox.


3. Editing data

In the "Interactive View" you have the possibility to edit the data by clicking on the 'Edit' button.


The Cancel and Revert buttons allow us to easily revert changes we have previously made.


4. Keyboard shortcuts

In the interactive view, we have several shortcuts at our disposal, and their description is always available when you hover the mouse cursor over the question mark "?".
