- legend - a legend describing each symbol will be added to the report
- preferences and settings - add to the report the list of preferences and settings we have in the program
- information about digital signatures - adding information to the report about files that have invalid digital signatures
- risk assessment - adding a risk assessment of the entrepreneur
- notes from the charts - adding comments from entered charts to the report
- Statement for BAG - addition of statements about drivers' days off for inspection services in Germany
- summary of work time infringements - adding to the "road inspection" report also comments from working time infringements
Taryfikator - wybór obowiązującego taryfikatora. Dodatkowo combobox "kierowca, zarządzający, firma" pokazuje kogo obowiązuje wybrany taryfikatorPenalties - selection of the applicable tariff. In addition, the combobox "driver, manager, company" shows who the selected tariff applies to.
Accumulative counting of infringements (driver/company) - when this option is selected, the program will sum consecutive penalties for a given violation